Insulation material of worn jeans, socks made from old fishing nets, revenue models based on waste flows. From disposal to reuse. The Circular Economy in the Netherlands is growing enormously!
The week of the Circulare Economy
It is this week in the Netherlands, from 14 to 18 January, the Week of the Circular Economy. This is organized by Nederland Circulair, the online community of the Netherlands Circular Program! The theme of the week, which is being organized for the fourth year, is “Inevitable Circular.” This encourages entrepreneurs to get started with the circular economy.
Circular Qneqt products
Also pluggable Qneqt cables from Eleqtron, for an electrical installation, can be used in a circular manner! In addition to the cables, plugs, chassis parts and distributors such as the Q-T plug are almost always reusable. This is ideal for new construction and renovations and renovations! With this ‘plug and play products’ you use a very sustainable solution. Eleqtron is at the forefront: installing circular!
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