Qcharge APM: smarter charging
Eleqtron has a unique product on the market for charging electric vehicles (EV): Qcharge APM. With this SMART product, the reserved capacity in a building that is not used, is used for the loading facilities.
Explanation Qcharge APM
There is a lot of ‘hidden power’ in a building, such as elevators, air conditioning units and pumps that do not always have to work. Or lighting in a parking garage that goes out at night. With Qcharge APM (Automatic Power Management), a ‘smart solution’, this reserved power is now used. This innovative product continuously measures the power consumption for the entire building.
If less power is used, more power is automatically allocated to the EV charging system! Through a certified power meter installed in the main board, the ZapCloud receives measurement data directly from the building and adjusts the EV charge current continiously to the EV charging stations.The power meter can be installed together with the infrastructure or easily added to the installation when needed. The infrastructure must be dimensioned sufficient to be able to increase capacity.

Eleqtron has developed a method to apply Qcharge APM. In consultation with the building manager, the energy consumption of a property object is analyzed. If it turns out that there is too little power available, Eleqtron conducts an asset survey. This results in an extensive report with advice.
Benefits Qcharge APM
- Smarter charging of electric vehicles
- No major investments or modifications to the electrical installation required
- Improving customer satisfaction among users of electric vehicles
- Continuous monitoring via the ZapCloud platform
More information
Download the documentation about Qcharge APM.
On our website you will find extensive information about the Qcharge total concept.
Clich here for the online catalogue including these products.
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